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1st Business+ Forum co-hosted by AMCHAM and KOTRA

admin1 2022-03-24 Number of views 2,373

Among other Chambers the ITCCK, the AMCHAM and KOTRA want to invite you to the 1st Business+ Forum “2022 Guidelines for Foreign Businesses in Korea”

In this Forum, Joseph Chung, Director at Macoll Consulting Group, will share insights into new laws & regulations, market trends, corporate environment changes, and business opportunities to come in 2022.

Please join us for this great opportunity.

For registering to the event please check the following link: https://www.amchamkorea.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=event&year=2022&month=2&wr_id=1543&sc_no=

Please follow the link, and register as the following:

  1. Please scroll down and press Register button
  2. Select Agree and press next
  3. Fill in details and press next (Please put the chamber’s name next to the name of the company)
  4. Proceed online payment through credit card or bank transfer
  5. We will send an automatic RSVP reminder mail 1 day before the event.