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ITCCK - General Meeting 2015 (Seoul, June 9 2015)

ITCCK 2015-06-09 Number of views 5,614
ITCCK - General Meeting 2015
(June 9)

The ITCCK President Mr. Nicolas Piccato is summoning the Annual General Meeting of the Members. In the occasion of this meeting ITCCK will also hold the elections for the position of President, two Vice Presidents and three Directors of the Board.
The meeting will be followed by an Italian buffet dinner starting at 19:00, which will be also open to Non-members and guests. 

Date: Tuesday June 9, 2015
General Meeting: 17:00 – 18:30 (Garnet Suite, 37F)
Italian buffet dinner: 19:00 – 21:30 (Peninsula Restaurant, 1F)
Venue: Lotte Hotel Seoul (address and map: http://www.lottehotel.com/seoul/en/location.asp)
Price: 80,000 KRW*
*The delicious Italian food buffet will also include Italian wines (red, white, sparkling).

Please find enclosed the detailed information about the Annual General Meeting 2015.
The ITCCK Members are kindly requested to confirm their attendance at the AGM by email at itcck@itcck.org or by fax at +82-(0)505-409-4379 by June 4th.
