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Calabria Region/ITCCK - La Calabria in Asia: Rotta verso la Corea del Sud (Seoul, July 14~16 2015)

ITCCK 2015-07-15 Number of views 5,332

Calabria Region/ITCCK – La Calabria in Asia: Rotta verso la Corea del Sud
(Seoul July 14~16, 2015)

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ITCCK), in collaboration with Calabria region, organizes a mission in the Republic of Korea. In a seminar held on July 15th Calabria region presents its excellences in the field of wine & food, ICT and tourism to the Korean market aiming to develop further collaborations. On July it will be held 16th b2b meetings between two wine companies from Calabria and Korean importers.

Event:       “Calabria in Asia – Rotta verso la Corea del Sud”

Calabria Region, ITCCK

Sector/s:   Wine & food, ICT and tourism

Period:    July 14 ~ 16, 2015

Venue:      Seminar - Orchid Room 19F, Grand Ambassador Hotel, 287 Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
                  B2B meetings – Chardonnay Room B1F, Grand Ambassador Hotel, 287, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul

Masseria Falvo
Tenute Paese


               1.  Seminar
               2. B2B meetings with Korean importers.
