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2025 Membership Campaign

ITCCK 2024-01-03 Number of views 5,407

Dear all, 

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ITCCK) is proud to launch the 2025 Membership Campaign for companies and also for individual members.

The ITCCK community is a constantly growing network which now includes more than 130 members covering multiple fields mainly: F&B, luxury, fashion, machinery, automotive parts, legal services, education, travel and hospitality, architecture, design and ICT.

For 2025, the mission of the ITCCK, with a slogan of "ITALY and KOREA CLOSER THAN EVER", is that to strengthen the partnership with its members with the goal of providing better services and help you consolidate your success in South Korea. For more info on membership tiers and services such as Italian Job, business development, networking opportunities, marketing support, please check out the ITCCK membership presentation attached below. Please join ITCCK to innovate your business solutions.

To apply or renew the ITCCK MEMBERSHIP for 2025, please complete the online application form by clicking the application button below.

  2025 ITCCK Membership Presentation  

  2025 ITCCK Membership Application Form  

For any further information, please contact us at itcck2@itcck.org

Thank you,