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Business Delegations

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Korea regularly organizes Business Missions from Italy to the Republic of Korea and from the Republic of Korea to Italy, in order to support and foster the bilateral business relations between the two countries.
The Delegation members can be both institutions and companies, and the ITCCK organizes a tailor-made service including a research of the potential partners, promotion of the Products/services offered, a survey for a feedback of the actual interest from the potential counterparts, the organization of an agenda of one-to-one meetings and all the details about meeting rooms, accommodation and logistic support.
In agreement with the customers, the ITCCK is also able to organize an introductory seminar for the foreign guests about the business environment of Korea and Italy, with guest speakers from well known banks and law firms providing an extensive overview about "how to do business" in the country, as well as legal and banking advices, and useful tips before meeting the potential partners.

Lineapelle/Promos/ITCCK - Exhibition and Seminar "Italian Fashion Leather Trends by Lineapelle, Wint

2015-06-08 Number of views 6,292

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Showroom and Seminar

“Italian Fashion Leather Trends by Lineapelle, Winter 2016/17”


Monday, June 8th, 2015



3F, Sapphire ballroom, Lotte Hotel Seoul, 30 Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul




LINEAPELLE is the most important international leather and components exhibition, held in Italy. A preview of styles and materials trends, focused on the excellence of “Made in Italy”: Italian leather, synonym of high quality, prestige, and sustainability, which are essential for the success of any products. The one-day event at Lottel Hotel Seoul is organized by LINEAPELLE and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Korea, and it is dedicated to Korean professionals of the industry. Ten selected Italian exhibitors will present their latest leather collection. Furthermore a rich trend area winter 2016/17 will introduce you the season to come with Lineapelle color ranges. Don`t miss an opportunity to increase your knowledge and find inspiration touching with hand the best selection of materials from leather to textiles, not to mention accessories.









h. 10.00                                 Registration


h. 10:30 - 12:00                     Seminar “Which leather for what end use?”

                                                                                         - Ioannis Ioannidis, Leather Expert from Lineapelle


h. 12:00                                  Light Lunch


h. 15:00 – 16:30                     Seminar “Classic” or “Fantasy” Leather? Types of finishing, “tricks” and techniques – Pros and Cons from the end user`s point of view

                                                                                        - Ioannis Ioannidis, Leather Expert from Lineapelle


Participation of both exhibition and the seminar, the parking ticket are free of charge.