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ITCCK Newsletter, February 2020

ITCCK 2020-02-01 Number of views 3,835

Economic News about Italy and South Korea

Dear friends, welcome to the issue n. 2 of the ITCCK Monthly Newsletter for the year 2020
We gladly present you the finest picks from this month's news. We also invite you to check the latest news from our members

Industrial output grows 0.1 pct in January
Yonhap News agency

South Korea overall industrial output gained 0.1 percent in January from a month earlier, with the spread of the new coronavirus having a limited impact on local industries

Samsung tops global TV market for 14th year
Korea Herald

Samsung Electronics topped the global TV market for the 14th consecutive year in 2019, industry data showed, on the back of robust sales of its QLED TVs

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Business counts more than family in Italian family businesses
The Financial Times

The country's largest family-owned empires have outperformed by an often eye-popping margin despite stagnant economy

Coronavirus 'unlikely to impact' Italy ratings, says DBRS Morningstar
Financial Mirror

The impact of coronavirus cases in Italy is unlikely to have a lasting impact on the Italian economy

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