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ITCCK Newsletter, August 2019

itcck 2019-09-16 Number of views 3,366
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Economic news about Italy and South Korea

Dear friends, welcome to the issue no. 9 of the ITCCK Monthly Newsletter
We gladly present you the finest picks from this month's news, along with a report of our events

Trenitalia to win UK West Coast tender

On August 14, the Italian rail company Trenitalia (FS) obtained the tender, together with multinational partner FirstGroup, for the British West Coast Service. The service includes intercity links between London, Edinburgh and Glasgow as well as high-speed services from London to Birmingham. The FS CEO Gianfranco Battisti confirms the franchise strong presence in the UK.

Foreign business owners in Italy have increased by a third since 2010

Non Italians make up almost 15 percent of all business owners in Italy, a significant increase of nearly one third since the beginning of 2010. Foreigners who own businesses in Italy tend to be younger ? just over 71 percent are under 50, compared to 44 percent among their Italian counterparts ? and 23 percent are women, slightly higher than the national total of 21.86 percent counted at the end of 2017.  

Apple employs 500 new workers in South Korea

For the first time on August 19th the South Korean unit of Apple Inc. has unveiled the workforce of its local subsidiary which amounts to 500 new employees as of end-June.   The recently opened 'job creation' website's section strikes as Apple's pursuit to highlight its emphasis on the South Korean market and explain its activities in the country.

Samsung hits record high in 6 quarter of DRAM market share 

Samsung Electronics has seen its share in the global DRAM market hit the highest in six quarters in the second quarter of this year. Analysts say that despite negative business environment including the Japanese government’s export restrictions, and a sluggish global memory chip market, the electronics giant has strengthened its control over the market by outrivaling Japanese and Chinese px-x-layers.

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